About me...

Because this journey is intensely personal, there will be times when my posts will be about more than just rebuilding the physical aspects of my life. They may be random and sometimes I think they may not even make sense to some. But whatever I post here will be as honest as I can make it, no punches pulled, telling it like it it. I hope that I can share some insight with others who might be going through a similar transitory period in their own lives. With luck and perseverence I know I will eventually successful in my new life. I have very high hopes for all of this but then I had those when Dave was alive, too. I am naturally a pretty optomistic person, I think.

This week on the Farm

It is Thursday and sort of a day off here at the Farm. By day off, I mean it is not a picking day, not a market day, so this is the day that some other work will finally get done, like catching up on the laundry. Even though we have an electric dryer, I am trying to get back into the habit of hanging our clothes on the line. For the first 5 years we lived here, we only had the line to use.

We got the dryer for damp and/or cold days when it seems to take forever clothes to get dry and I kind of fell into the habit of using it more than was necessary. Even though hanging clothes on the line is kind of a pain, when you get the laundry down to bring it in, it smells so good, you wonder why in the world you were using the dryer.

So far, this week has been sort of hectic. With temperatures soaring back close to 100 degrees, we are outside in the field working before most people have had their morning coffee. By 10am we are starting to feel the burn. Lunchtime signals the end of the first half of the work day. Since we try to plan the daily work schedule around the hottest part of the day, we put in 5-6 hours early in the day and then another 2-3 (or more...depends on what needs to be done) after the sun starts going down. One side of the Farm is totally treelined and at this time of year there is a pretty good shadow on a portion of the garden from about 2pm onward. Unfortunately, there isn't anything planted there right now so the shady spot is not being worked. Irony is a big part of organic farming.

There are all kinds of things going on around the Farm right now. Maggie, our teeny Jack Russell Terrier is expecting her puppies any day now. Last year, we bred a litter of puppies on purpose; this year was an unexpected accident, albiet a happy one. I am hoping for some little boys this year...last year we had 4 beautiful girls. I have kept up with 2 of the puppies, who have both grown up into amazing dogs. In fact, they had their 1st birthday this week, so "Happy Birthday" to Maddie and Lucy (and to Chunky and South, where ever you are)!!!

Right now we are trying to keep our fall seedlings watered. I have about 750 broccoli, cabbage and pac choi seedlings in the plant shed and at least that many sown but not yet up. Everyday is an adventure because I never know what will have been eaten during the night. Slugs are a big problem because they are very sneaky. I even tried putting out a pan of beer, which is an old time solution to ridding your garden of slugs. Theoretically, they are supposed to climb into the pan to get at the beer, fall in and drown and then you just toss them over the fence. Well, I have my own theory. I think that some slugs were chosen by the slug elders to sacrifice themselves for the greater good of all slugdom. The banzai slugs then faked human beings into thinking that this was a good way to get rid of them, when in actuality all slugs are sots who come to the pan, get drunk and then head back to where ever it is that slugs go during the day. Every day for a week, I checked the pan of beer for dead slugs and found only shiny trails where they had been. By the end of the week, I got tired of hosting a kegger for the slimy critters and just resigned myself to the fact that they were here to stay. And then they just seemed to disappear. I think maybe the heat got to them, but you never know. Maybe they just all had incredible hangovers and called in sick.

Later, Taters.

Tuesday is Market Day!!!

Here at the Farm, we market our produce in several ways. Our main outlet is via our CSA, which stands for "community supported agriculture" and is similar to a co-op or buying club. Members buy into our harvest at specified times during the season and we provide them with a weekly share of whatever we harvested that week. That means that we pick on the day before shares are picked up. Monday and Friday are our main picking days and on those days not much else gets done until the pickin' is over.

This time of year the 3 main crops we are harvesting are okra, eggplant and tomatoes. If you have never picked okra you can't begin to imagine just how itchy it will make those who are sensitive to it. I read on a website recently that "if picking okra doesn't make you itch, you are either already dead or you need to call 911". Not everyone is bothered by okra, but if you are, it is like instant poison ivy, with an acid burn chaser. If you are sensitive and you get it on your hands, even just a little, almost instantaneously you feel your skin begin to tingle and then the itching begins. Simply washing your hands or which ever body part is affected will do little or no good, unless you are right by the water or you basically don't move until somebody washes you off. Once you have the okra on you, you are doomed to suffer until the effects wear off. This is because the leaves of this plant are covered with tiny spines which will rub off on you when you come in contact with the plant and get under your skin, kind of like a vegetable fiberglass.

I am envious of those who are not sensitive to this plant, because it makes me itch just thinking about it. And okra is a long season vegetable here in our climate and will attain heights of 8 feet or more if conditions are right, thus becoming an itchy forest toward the end of the season.

The good news is that there are types of okra that are called "spineless" and so cut down on the itching tremendously. Of course, we plant that type. A word of advice, though. You will note that I said "cuts down on", not "eliminates" the itching, so if you are sensitive to okra or new to preparing this veggie, wear thin latex gloves when you wash and prepare it. Even though the pods themselves are not really all that itchy, at some point during picking, the pods will come in contact with the leaves and there will be some of the spines on the pods until you wash them off.

There is also a great humor factor with picking okra, because you won't see more creative getups at Halloween than the outfits some people will assemble to pick okra in. Safari hats covered with mosquito netting, tube socks with the toes cut off and worn like dealer's cuffs, long pants and long sleeves when the temperatures are in the high 90's are among some of the innovative ways I have heard folks using as preventative measures when heading to the okra patch. I have seen grown men picking okra whil wearing ladies elbow length cotton gloves (the kind worn with formal gowns...and they have to be cotton because not all glove materials will protect you). You can even buy special mesh shirts in some gardening catalogs that can be worn to repel mosquitoes and other biting insects or for picking okra. I won't say exactly which ones I have personally tried, but next time you see someone in the garden wearing some outlandish costume, just figure they are picking okra.

So, now that you have read all about the horrors of picking okra, you are probably shaking you head and wondering why in the world anyone would want to eat something like that. The answer is because it delicious, nutritious, versatile and eaten in nearly every warm corner of the world. If you are not an okra aficionado, you have probably heard that okra is slimy. Take that term with a grain of salt and read the following excerpt taken from the website address given:
(Go check out this page for more information about okra, including nutrition info, recipes, etc.)

"The super fiber found in okra helps to stabilize blood sugar as it curbs the rate at which sugar is absorbed from the intestinal tract. Okra not only binds cholesterol but bile acid carrying toxins dumped into it by the filtering liver. But it doesn't stop there... The okra fiber, absorbing water and ensuring bulk in stools, helps prevent and improve constipation. Fiber in general is helpful for this but okra is one of the best, along with ground flax seed and psyllium. Unlike harsh wheat bran, which can irritate or injure the intestinal tract, okra's mucilage soothes, and okra facilitates elimination more comfortably by its slippery characteristic many people abhor. Making it great for those with IBS.

This incredibly valuable vegetable not only binds excess cholesterol and toxins (in bile acids) which cause numerous health problems if not evacuated, but then assures easy passage out of the body of same. Unlike some prescription and over-the-counter drugs for this, the veggie is completely healthy, non-toxic, non-habit forming (except for the many who greatly enjoy eating it), has no adverse side effects, is full of nutrients, and is economical.

So, that is enough about okra for today. It is time to head out for the market. Later.

Welcome to my new blog...

Hello and welcome to my new blog about life at New Moon Farm.
Since so many "interesting" things happen at the Farm, I thought that it
might be fun to share them with you in a format other than via email.

I gave this a lot of consideration before I decided how I wanted to do this and
the best idea I came up with was to treat this blog like a daily diary, although I seriously
doubt that I will have time to post daily, but I will try.

And so that is what you will see here. Like life on the farm, some days will
be filled with boring "I did this and I did that today..." entries, but some days
things will get a lot more exciting and I will be posting things like "One of our hens is 15 feet up in an old oak tree, laying eggs....". Probably the best days will be the ones where I am in the kitchen and sharing recipes and other useful tidbits of information.

So...with that said, I am officially launching this blog.....maybe we can all learn something along the way and have some fun.